Lightwood Forest
Circa 1760
A Virginia Woodland Preserve

The Faeries of Lightwood and Doon Hill

...And They Would Dance Late Into the Night to the Sound of the Pipes in the Ancient Forest.
The Faeries of Lightwood and Doon Hill is a simple re-telling of an absolutely true story of folk from another realm, and of how they prevailed over great obstacles and travails. In their own world this is a well-known and famous tale, but in ours it is almost altogether unknown. And though many of the subjects of this story are not human, their achievements mirror in so many ways similar ones of our own kind.
Many of the facts in this tale may be successfully checked for veracity. As for some of the others...well, let me say that I would not recommend making too much of an effort.
For those who find Lightwood a magical place, especially the children, I hope this tale adds to the fun and enjoyment of staying in this wonderful old home.

Please click on the PDF file below to read the tale.

The Faeries of Lightwood and Doon Hill. Copyright 01/18/2017 .C.A. Williams

Faerie Princesses and Princes...

may be seen....

at Lightwood...

if you are...


very, very...


And always remember...

whatever the Season,

Spring, Summer or Fall

Quick! Be on your way...

through the Greenwood...

To the Faerie Ball!

"Perhaps a visit to your delightful venue will inspire the next Mozart or J.K. Rowling....Faeries, Scotland, Treasure Chest....The quest to find the baubles....Simply delightful!

A beautiful Fairy Abode recently discovered at Lightwood

An ancient Doorway leading to a long-abandoned Fairy Dwelling

Spring colors...

and Winter colors...

and magical Faerie colors...